Monday, January 17, 2011


LOVE: If a guy dumps you don't go into full shutdown stand up strait and take it like a man, NO need for crying, Hook up with your girls and hit the town and your sure to have a few guys whistle at you :).

LIFE: Don't waste your life being unhappy, live life to the fullest, but of course stay in school so you will have enough money in the future to do what you like.

FASHION: Where to get hints on HIGH FASHION do you ask well im sure you should know that *DRUM ROLL PLEASE* FASHION WEEK, in which not many people get to go to fashion week but of course it is always on T.V.
Here are some tips.
1. Dont wear Yellow with green, it just doesn't work.
2. And don't mix to many colours 2 or 3 should be quite enough.

Be Happy and do it Stylishly

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